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Goodbye For Now

May 3 today marks the last day of our official meetings at school and we will not be able to do regular blog posts as we have been doing. Over the summer we plan to get together a few times, do beach clean ups and other environmental activitys like cleaning while hiking. We hope to pick this up next year and get back to saving the planet as soon as possible remember for more frequent updates check out environmental justice mms on Instagram.
Recent posts

Poster contest results

April, 26 Today we got the results of our recent entry in the Santa Cruz earth day poster contest of 36 contestants we placed 5th. We are also creating a second poster for our schools' local Summit For Planet event. We are using the event to raise awareness for our group and cause. This week we also started an Instagram where we will post pictures and status updates.


It's a sunny spring afternoon while I write this post. The sunlight streams down on the redwood trees in the forest and the grass of the fields. A breeze wafts through the air carrying the scents of the wild, flowers and pine. Inside our classroom the other members of the Enviromental Justice Club are gathered around the half-finished poster. It's a chaos that comes of creative minds or at least thats what I'm saying to justify the mess all over the table. Paperclips strewn all around mixing with cut pieces of trash, dirty brushes, sharpies and paint. In the center a baby blue bike is painted on paper with straw wheels pinwheeling in the small breeze. Some just got back after doing the trash pickup, laughing their heads off over god knows what.  The Enviromental Club

Earth Day Poster

Earth day is coming up quickly and we as a club are planning on entering a poster in the Santa Cruz's earth day festival. This year they are having a poster contest with many prizes donated by local Santa Cruz buisnesses. Our poster will about bik ing instead of driving, giving small statistics on the side on the way driving vs. biking when you can helps the environment. We are planning to make and enter it into the earth day festival's poster contest. We will spend the next 2 weeks working on our poster, so we are ready to enter it on April 21st. YAY!!!

Support Docket BOEM-2017-0074

This Docket is in support of allowing offshore drilling on both the East and West seaboards by 2024. It is coming from the Trump administration. As the Environmental Justice Club, we feel it is our responsibility to respond to the appearance of this Docket. It has been shown that oil drilling in the ocean causes oil spills, which decimate the wildlife and the surrounding ecosystem(s). To allow oil companies to drill off of all of the coasts will drastically increase chances of oil spills. Also, the bill will kill local tourism revenue, by turning coastal towns into a dead zone. As a club, we are strongly against the approval of this docket. Also being residents in a coastal town makes us feel even more against this Docket because we swim in the ocean frequently and therefore refuse to allow our beautiful ocean to be polluted and destroyed.

Making A Plan

March 8, 2018 Since the last post, we have taken inventory of our meeting The greenhouse and made a plan to put it back in working order. In the The Greenhouse we found a very large mess lots of unused pots that we plan to re-purpose and much dry useless planting soil that sadly can no longer be used to plant seeds. We also plan to do weeding around The Greenhouse as the floor has been left to decay and many weeds have sprouted since it was last used. We have also been looking into the possible off-campus activity that we are looking into there are two possible marches and other activity's such as beach cleanups putting up recyclable posters in our cities.


February 22, 2018 Today marks the first official meeting of the Environmental Justice Club, on a drizzly Thursday afternoon. We have a full attendance of our six capped members, Aaron, Ksenia, Anmei, Connor, Tabby and myself, Braeden. The day's activities included an inventory of the greenhouse and the formulation of our plans for it. Two members cleaned up trash around the MMS campus while the rest set up the social media responsibilities of the club, including this blog. The hope we have for the club is for it to be a vessel for our voices to be broadcast to the world. Our mission, you could say, is to be a positive influence on our community and vocal members of society. This is a fairly brief post as we have much to do today, so keep well until next week. The Environmental Justice Club